The RoseHeart Center & Black Horse Consulting invite you to a very special event:
Ancestral Blessing Ceremony
A traditional South African Ceremony from Nelson Mandela’s people, the Xhosa Nation, with Xhosa Sangoma John Lockley
To Register email: or call Cindy at 315.289.2030
Syracuse area location given to registrants
Exchange for this 2-day event: $300.00
Register before March 1st and save! Early Bird: $250.00
This ceremony is dedicated to healing our land through honoring our Native American ancestors. This two-day community ceremony will explore dreams, ancestors and our relationship to our roots. Participants will be encouraged to connect with their own roots (Ancestors). A traditional Xhosa ritual will be performed to help heal our relationship with our Ancestors. The weekend will involve South African drumming, singing and dancing. Participants will learn the traditional South African ‘xentsa’ or trance dance as a way to deepen their connection to their roots. Traditional South African chants will also be taught to facilitate harmony and healing on all levels.
Participants to please wear white and bring a small offering for the altar; the offering needs to be a token reminder of your own ancestors.
About Sangoma John Lockley:
John is a traditionally trained Xhosa Sangoma (African Shaman) from South Africa. He is from the same tribe as Nelson Mandela & Desmond Tutu. John served a 10 year apprenticeship under his Xhosa teacher, Mum Ngwevu, becoming one of the first white men in recent history to be given the title of ‘Ligqirha inkulu’ or senior Sangoma.
Visit Sangoma John Lockley’s website:
John will also give private sessions for the brief time he is here with us:
Sangoma Divinations/ Readings
These are performed to help people achieve clarity on their spiritual purpose or life path. Each session is conducted in a ceremonial way, with meditation and chanting.
John is gifted in two different divination techniques. The first is Xhosa, where he channels ancestral energy. The second is Zulu, where he throws the bones, combined with sacred objects including shells, stones, etc. The bones reveal the spiritual constellation of the client’s life, and can include the emotional, physical and spiritual health of the client. The benefits are to find a deeper understanding of one’s life path or spiritual purpose.
Sangoma Healing – Plant Blessing/Cleansing Ceremony
This involves an individual plant blessing & cleansing ceremony, which helps the client reconnect to their ancestors/spirit guides in their dreams. John makes a special plant medicine mix for the client to place their feet in. He then gives them some herbs to take home so that they can perform another two cleanses. This has the effect of prolonging the effects of the cleansing ceremony, and helps to promote healing on a deeper, cellular level. Many people have experienced profound healing from these plant washes.
Benefits: This is essentially a cleansing ceremony. People often report feeling invigorated, energized & calmer after these ceremonies. The potential for clearer dreams and/or an improvement in dream recall.
To make an appointment for a Private Session with John, contact Cindy at 315.289.2030 or email at