As most of you know, State Supreme Court Judge Don Cerio dismissed my Article 78 petition to the court on November 8th. At first, I didn’t want to talk about it, so deep was my disappointment. The Article 78 was filed at the end of May, asking for a reversal of the NYSDEC Special License Unit’s denial of my application for a License to Possess (LCPEE), on the grounds that the denial was arbitrary and capricious. I had applied for the LCPEE so that I could save Deirdre & Lily (two orphaned does I had raised and/or rehabilitated under my wildlife rehabilitator’s license) from certain death. The details of their stories have been expounded elsewhere, so I won’t bother to reiterate.
But there are some things I finally want to talk about. [Read more…] about The Continuing Saga of Deirdre & Lily