Connor is coming home today! I am doing the Happy Dance!
The surgeon said his recovery is amazing, especially considering the fact that he could have died. Of course, he will have to take it easy for a few weeks (getting my bouncy Setter to do that may be the most difficult part of this), but I must say, I went to see him yesterday and he looked really GOOD for a guy who had just had major abdominal surgery, lost a lot of blood, and had half of his liver removed. He was happy and wiggly, and put up quite a protest when I left him there again. He thought I was there to take him home. It broke my heart to hear him crying and carrying on as I walked out the door.
He’s the kind of dog who doesn’t eat when his mom is not there. Even if I go away for a weekend, the sitter tells me he won’t eat anything while I’m gone. He refused to eat even the chicken and rice that I took up to the hospital for him. So we decided that he will do better at home, where he can be comfortable and eat and continue his recovery.
So I will get him this afternoon, and I will keep you all updated on his home progress now.
Yippee! 🙂