“It is who we become that changes the world and our environment, not what we do. Harmony within will create harmony without.” – Sandra Ingerman
Come and be a part of the Big Work. Join with others of like mind to raise our vibrations and blend our good intentions to create a Web of Light for healing the Earth. Our inner state of being is reflected back to us in the outer world, so the true work is learning how to change our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs — to maintain that higher vibration as much as possible. Doing this together is helpful to all.
This group meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 6 – 8 p.m. New folks are still welcome!
Please contact Cindy if you plan to join us: 315-289-2030.
A $5.00 donation is appreciated.
Current suggested reading: Medicine for the Earth by Sandra Ingerman (through Chapter 16 for this session)